Sunday, May 24, 2009

Soap Nuts

E C O I S T I C S,

Introduction SALE
Soap Nuts 350gr / 8 USD / 59 SEK

SAMU Wash Nut 350g

Biological detergent for machine- and hand wash; mild and gentle cleaning. It is a pure nature product and for 100 % biological removable. In the naturally grown shells are about 12 “Saponins”, which are causing that excellent cleaning result. The wash nuts trees are not sprayed! The mildness of this product is not only color protective with the color laundry, but it causes also comfortable soft laundry and that without using a softener.
This nature product is optimal for people with allergies!
Applications Hand- and machine wash from 35 – 95 °. For each washing you need 5 - 7 half shells, which have to be put in a small bag of cotton or in a thin sock, they have to be closed properly and then put together with the washing in the machine. With washing temperatures of 60° the washing nuts can be used twice. The mild, complete biological substances can be used for all different types Of washing like silk, linen, wool, hemp etc. If needed, a few drops of aromatic oils can be added.

With white laundry we recommend you to put once in a while plant neutral bleach (sodium carbonate or baking powder)
The wash nuts are 100 % biological removable and can be put on the compost. A family of four, washing 2 – 3 times a week, about 3 kg, can wash with one kilogram of wash nuts one whole year. A packet of 350 grams lasts for 60 – 70 washings.
Info Because saponin starts dissolving at temperatures above 30°, it won't be released from the shell when using it in the washing machine.

The liquid of the boiled wash nut
The liquid out of boiled wash nuts can be used for many more applications like for example personal hygiene or hair washing. The hairs will get a silky shine and special vitality and won't be greasy so fast. The foam production is less than with other conventional shampoos. It is also best suitable for washing the animal fur. With the liquid of the boiled wash nut also plants attacked with louses can be also sprayed and treated. It can be uses also as an all-purpose cleaner and for the dish washer; there you also get best results.

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